Thursday, September 30, 2010

Donny Osmond

After watching the video White and Nerdy for my theme song paper over and over. I was cracking up at watching Donny Osmond in the background dancing. Then I remembered him dancing to one of my favorite songs 'You Spin me Right Round' on dancing with the stars. So I looked him up on youtube and watched it, then remembered he won that year. So I ended staying up until past 2am watching him dance. He is so great! I love how he is so full of energy and enjoys himself. I love him!

Here's a good one. Although I really love all his dancing.

After looking him up on Wiki, I also found he sung on one of my favorite disney movies! Mulan! He sings 'I'll make a man out of you.' You knew? I love that song. haha.

Wow he is so awesome. Just look him up. *goes back to watching videos*