Friday, October 29, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Well life has been going at full speed. I can't believe it's already friday again. It just doesn't seem right.

Anyway I've been working, and working, and doing school, and sleeping. Thats about it. Not anything interesting to report.

Oh! But in less than a week I have some goat kids due to be born. I can't wait. It's so exciting. I will post pictures in my next blog of the little goatlings. Goat kids are some of the cutest little creatures ever! I wish they would come today. I'm getting anxious. I have 5 does due from the 4th-11th of Nov.

Then on the 12th I am leaving to go on a trip to Ohio to pick up a new goat, and some new chickens! Plus I am attending one of America's largest chicken shows! Very fun.

Well thats all I got this morning. Stay tuned for some uber cute photos soon!