Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Must Watch This!
Here I have a very, very, very, interesting song to watch. It will be worth your time!
Let me know what you think of it.
I'm thinking mix of Prince, Michael Jackson, and Sesame Street....
It is darn catchy.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Baby Goats
We had a bunch of babies reserved but as life goes we had 2 girls and 6 boys. No one wants boys as much. We had another girl born dead which was very tramatic, but momma and twin brother pulled through okay after some medicine. Now to find home for all these bouncing baby boys.
Here are some pictures of the cuteness!
This guy was born on Halloween and has a hilarious personality. We named him Jack Skellington, off of Nightmare Before Christmas.
This guy is soooo cute! I want to keep him!
Same Girl
Cutie Boy. I think we are keeping him! We wanted a girl, but instead momma had triplet boys!
There are more babies but I don't have any decent pictures of the others. I will have to get some! I love having baby goats running around, they are so funny, running and bucking. They have such personalities, and so cute I just want to snuggle them. Baby animals are the best! But man do they grow up so fast. Makes me sad. Within a couple weeks they aren't little babies anymore. Even though they are always my 'babies.' lol
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Christmas Presents
Animal - Neon Trees
Another catchy song! It mentions cannibals, making it awesome. ;)
Well Christmas is quickly approaching.
I'll just say it now I'm a scrouge. I don't like Christmas music, I don't have any traditions, or really get excited about the holidays. I mean I like presents, and I like looking at a Christmas tree, but I don' really get in the holiday spirit. My dad doesn't either so I get it from him. One thing I do love is giving presents. I love, love picking gifts out for people and making them happy. Especialy since I work full time and have lots of money, I go crazy. Which is funny cause I hate shopping. I just enjoy putting the thought into making people smile.
Well I had an unexpected abundance of money last weekend and I was at the biggest mall I've ever seen. So of course I had to find some presents.
My best friend Alyssa loves shiny silver bling bling, the uglier the better to her. She loves having a different purse to match everything too. Her birthday is on Christmas so of course she gets double the presents and I can get her the coolest things ever.
I found a huge shiny designer purse with a black and silver flower on it. Then I got her some big black and sliver earrings. She absolutely loves penquins so I got her three awesome pairs of penquin socks. She loves CD's. So to give it a personal touch I spent today downloading a bunch of our favorite songs, and I will burn her a CD, and decorate it all beautiful. So now I have a purse full of her favorite things. I hope she likes it. :)
The worst part about Christmas is I hate waiting to give people their gifts. I'm so impatient about it. I'm terrible.
Her family is obsessed with dogs, they enjoy doing family things, and they have a golden retriever so I got her little sisters and mom Golden-Opoly. I think they will really like it.
My mom wants a kindle, but I don't think she would really use it. So thats a maybe.
I'm getting her some chicken border for our kitchen she has wanted for a long time, and I bunch of other little thins she has wanted.
My dad. No clue. He hates gifts. lol
Then there is my boyfriend. I swear he is the hardest people ever to get things for. We have been together nearly 3 years and I still don't have any ideas. He says he wants old episodes of his favorite old TV shows. But he always gets that from everyone. I want something that takes some thought.
His Ipod Touch has been a litte wacko lately and isn't working great so I think I might get him a new one packed with his and my ;) favorite music. They even have free engraving right now. But I don't want to get him one if his is working. So I will have to see if his is actually alive or not. I think he figured out my plotting thought and threatened me that I better not get him one. haha. Too bad.
Then a project I started last year. I'm hand blowing out eggs when everyone is asleep and I'm making my own really cute ornamates with press ons for my mom and his mom. You know how hard it is to poke a tiny hole in an egg then blow the yolk out, then decorate them and thread it without breaking the egg. I think I bust more than I make. Oh well. My darn chickens stopped laying too, so I might just have to buy me some eggs. We'll see.
So if anyone has present ideas for a hard to buy for guy like me know!
Time Forgotten
Love Like Woe - The Ready Set
It's an interesting, catchy song. I like it. His songs all kind of sound the same, but they send off happy vibes.
Anyway, I have my report due Friday which I really don't have a good idea for. I also have to come up with a theme for a portfolio for my photoraphy class by tomorrow morning. I got nothing. It's a major project, it's the final grade. I don't need the photos but I have to have an idea of what I am doing. It's important because our pictures are going to be showcased as an exhibition for the public at an art gallery or something.
They are going to be in black and white, so that limits ideas.
I'm thinking white dresses, shoes, or beauty around us. Such as things you don't usally look at as pretty, but with the right perspective and getting up close they can be beatiful. Opinions? Ideas?
Lots has happened lately so I have lots to post about. Stay tuned.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Busy Busy Busy
Anyway I've been working, and working, and doing school, and sleeping. Thats about it. Not anything interesting to report.
Oh! But in less than a week I have some goat kids due to be born. I can't wait. It's so exciting. I will post pictures in my next blog of the little goatlings. Goat kids are some of the cutest little creatures ever! I wish they would come today. I'm getting anxious. I have 5 does due from the 4th-11th of Nov.
Then on the 12th I am leaving to go on a trip to Ohio to pick up a new goat, and some new chickens! Plus I am attending one of America's largest chicken shows! Very fun.
Well thats all I got this morning. Stay tuned for some uber cute photos soon!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Still Going
I'm really really busy. But getting up at 3:30 isn't as bad as I thought. I can usually pop right out of bed. I've got home two hours early the last two days. I actually really like work. It's not bad at all. I heard all these horror stories about mcdonalds, but truthly I have fun.
The workers are really nice and helpful. I work back window which is challenging. But overall it's not bad work now that I'm getting the hang of it. We get to eat the waste food (which is great. :P) we have fun and goof off, and yesterday we drew crew names every two hours and if you won you got candy. :D I won twice. haha.
I take a nap when I get home from work for an hour everyday. The hours are nice because nearly all social events are in the evening so I don't miss much.
The worst part is by the time evening rolls around I am dead. I am so tired. I can barely stay away. I used to stay up until 2am. But I'm dozing off by 9pm now. I force myself awake until 11 if I can. It's working out for now. We'll see if I can keep it up.
This month sure is crazy. It's the month of parties for sure.
Tomorrow I have class then have to take a goat to the vet, then there is a Youth Party. Saturday I work, give horse lessons, then there is a bonfire. Saturday I teach sunday school, church, maybe a horse trail ride, then work. Monday I work, then there is a Birthday Party for my friend. Tuesday I am FREE! :D Probably will hang out with my boyfriend. The poor guy isn't getting much time.
Well thats my weekend.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
New Job
I've been trying to figure out what to write about, because I've just been so busy I haven't done anything interesting.
Well Saturday I start my new job. Thats right, I'm now a McDonalds employee. Yay..... Not. Well at least I have some friends there.
But besides the three, nine hour days I will be working there. I am still also working at the pizza place one day a week for 5-6 hours.
Add on giving three horse riding lessons a week, working at the local dog boarding kennel, school, and feeding my hundreds of animals; I have a full schedule.
Lets see how it goes....
Sunday: Wake up at 7am teach sunday school, church, go to work until 9:30-10
Monday: Wake up at 3:30am, work until 2pm
Tuesday: Wake up at 7:30 give riding lesson, rest of the day off! Whoot!
Wednesday: Wake up at 3:30am, work until 2pm
Thursday: Wake up at 7:30, go to photography class, do riding lesson
Friday: Wake up at 6, English class
Saturday: Wake up at 3:30am, work until 2pm, riding lesson
Yeah. So basicly I get up at 7:30 or before everyday of the week! I forgot to add in the online college classes I have, and didn't put anything about working at the boarding place, or doing activities. I have no days off. I'm stressed already just thinking about it. I'm not sure how I am going to handle this. Especially since I usually don't go to bed until 2am.... But we'll see how it goes. I have a feeling something is going to have to be cut back. Hopefully work.
Ugh. Wish me luck. Hope I come out alive.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Donny Osmond
Here's a good one. Although I really love all his dancing.
After looking him up on Wiki, I also found he sung on one of my favorite disney movies! Mulan! He sings 'I'll make a man out of you.' You knew? I love that song. haha.
Wow he is so awesome. Just look him up. *goes back to watching videos*
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Silkie Chickens
The blue one on the right is the one that is on the edge of death. Such a pretty bird too....
I still don't know why I have these birds. lol
I guess they are just too cute to resist.
*crosses fingers that she makes it*
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Dog.
Growing up I never had many friends. I’m sort of one of those weirdos that are no one likes because I’m quiet, and prefer animals and books to people. Well my best friend was my dog; Brutus.

I would tell a little story about an army guy. Brutus would walk on his back legs, and I would go bang, bang with my finger pointing at him like a gun. He would drop to the ground and army crawl across the floor, until I pretend shot him again. Then he would roll over, and twitch back and forth for a few seconds then take a deep breath, close his eyes and freeze. It was hilarious, and we had to acted out perfectly.
He knew how to give high fives, high tens (with both feet), shake, roll over, sit, walk on back feet, pull little wagons, dance, clean up his toys, open drawers, speak, we even did agility courses. He also knew all kinds of words. Cheese was his favorite treat. If I said that he would run to the fridge and wait patiently for me to get him out a piece. We shared a kraft single every day when I got home from school. He knew exactly when dad got off work, or I would get home on the bus. And when it was about 5 minutes till he would wait by the front door. If you said ‘catch a fly fly’ he would run around the house and track down every single fly and kill them.
Every year he would go trick or treating with me, and we would wear matching costumes. We have done:
A cowgirl and a cow, hippies, angels, little bo peep and sheep, one year I even dyed him blue and we both went as eeyore.
A few years ago; a couple days before my 15th birthday. We were in the process of moving from our neighborhood home to our current farm. We had been staying at our new house, and only came home twice a day to let Brutus out. We were busy, and I hadn’t given him much attention in a couple weeks. He was sad, and sulked around most of the time. But it was only going to be for a little while. We finally decided it was time to bring him to the new house with us. And I felt so bad that I hadn’t spent enough time with him. So I went to walmart and bought a whole bunch of toys and treats. I came home, grinning from ear to ear, and called and called for my little friend. But he was nowhere to be found. We searched, and I found him. Laying up on the side of the highway squashed.He must of snuck out the door when we were moving boxes or something. It was one of the worst moment of my life. The guilt I felt for ignoring him the last few years still troubles me. Every time I think of him, I remember seeing him there. I wish I hadn’t found him. I still miss him very much, every day. I cried for weeks and weeks. I was heartbroken.
After that I didn’t like dogs anymore. After about 6 months. We thought maybe if I had another dog I would love it, and it would fill the hole in my heart. But it wasn’t so. We got Bella. A great Pyrenees puppy. She was sweet and cute. But I didn’t like her. I compared her in every way to Brutus. I would be like ‘Brutus wouldn’t do that. Or Brutus is smarter than that’ My dad was the same way, and it was unfair to keep her when no one liked her. She really was a good dog. But we were scoured. We found her a loving home with some friends that had lots of children. She is very happy there.
I still to this day don’t love dogs like I did. I still miss my little buddy. But I think I am ready to open my heart to a new puppy. We have the perfect place for a dog, lots of room, and I do live on a farm. A dog would keep predators away. And I would love a new friend. I know I could never replace Brutus in my heart, but I may be able to make room for another special pet.
Last night I was looking on pet finder. I found what seems to be the perfect match.

Then there is Sunday. Her sister. She is so cute too! How could I ever pick? I could take both. But I don't have $500 to pay for the pair. And I don't know if I could honestly dedicate enough time for two puppies at once.
Oh and as a side note:
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I had the most amazing and touching weekend I have ever experienced before.
I was talked into going to a Spiritual Retreat called Chrysalis by some of my friends.
The reason for the name is because when we got there we were 'caterpillars' then after we left we had matured into beautiful 'butterflies' and the transformation is called Chrysalis.
It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. But describing it doesn't even come close to what it was. It's a thing everyone needs to experience. We stayed at a 'camp' with a dining hall conference room, and a dorm. We had five talks everyday, about all kinds of topics.
It was for Christians but something anyone would have enjoyed.
We were all broken down into little table groups with 5 people. We gave ourselves a name. My group was the BumbleBee Babez. Because their were three blonds and three brunettes. After a talk we would come up with a poster, skit, poem, rap, or whatever to summarize what it was about. At the end of each night we held a party and showed all our things we had created.
We didn't know what time it was the entire time. They took away all our phones, electronics, watches, and they told us 'Participate, don't Anticipate.' It was a relaxing weekend not to have to worry about anything.
We ate three huge meals every day. One day breakfast included biscuits and gravy, sausage, muffins, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and fruit. It was crazy. There was also a table in the conference hall that had any snack food you could imagine available all day. Chips, cookies, cake, beef jerky, crackers and cheese, fruit dip, salsa, soda, and all kinds of other things. We were always too full from meals to eat it though.
Every time we went outside, when we came back their were always little presents sprinkled all over our beds. There were presents at our table every time we had to eat, or do a talk. Just little cute things with little sayings on them, it was nice.
One night they loaded us up into a bus and took as a few miles away to a church. The lights were out, except a little flickering down a hall, and we could hear some sort of chanting. We were sure we were going to be murdered or something. Haha. But when we went down the hall there were hundreds of people holding candling, singing, and smiling. It was so touching to see that many strangers, they hugged us, and just radiated love. It was very beautiful, yet thinking back now it sounds pretty weird. lol. I guess you have to see it. Everyone was crying, boys and girls.
We did many more things, and had a ton of fun. Although it's just not easy to describe. All of us came away refreshed and in good moods, whether Christian or not, anyone there would of went away without a doubt of God's Presence.
Now to catch back up on all my school.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Beginning
The definition of beginning is -The act of starting something.
That's what this is. The start of my blog.
I believe every start needs a couple good quotes to get off on the correct foot.
"From small beginnings come great things" -Proverb
"There is a woman at the beginning of all great things" -Alphonse De Lamartine
Here I will keep record of my life on 'The Farm'
But who am I?
I'm a 17 year slightly un normal girl. Unlike many of my fellow gender I do not enjoy girly things. I am more likely to be found in the library quietly reading a huge novel, or on the Internet dabbling in some sort of coding that looks like hieroglyphics, than to be seen trying on outfits in Abercromie. The majority of my time is spent doing homework, caring for or feeding my 150 animals, or working at the local pizza joint; trying to pay the bill for my homework and animals. Ha ha.
In what small amounts of free time I have, I enjoy reading, website coding, riding horses, photography, graphic design and manipulation, writing, video games, visiting friends, or just spending time with my pets.
I am an 'only' child. I have two step sisters that were moved out before I was born.
I have a beautiful Chevy 1500 Maroon Truck, and a small business breeding Kinder Goats, and Rare Breed Poultry. Which I have slowly purchased over time.
I have a rare lung disease, heart defects, and a pacemaker.
(Which in my opinion only old people should have)
I think that's all about me for now.
Every post needs pictures.