In case everyone doesn’t know I am obsessed with animals! I mean for real. I have way too many but that is a different story. Anyway, I have an entire farm full of beloved pets, but there is one thing that is missing for a true farm setting.
A Dog.
Growing up I never had many friends. I’m sort of one of those weirdos that are no one likes because I’m quiet, and prefer animals and books to people. Well my best friend was my dog; Brutus.
A Dog.
Growing up I never had many friends. I’m sort of one of those weirdos that are no one likes because I’m quiet, and prefer animals and books to people. Well my best friend was my dog; Brutus.

He was a Toy Poodle that I got when I was pretty young, when my grandma’s dog had puppies. I loved that little stinker, we did everything together. One of my few gifts is the ability to train animals, any kind. I know everyone says their dog is one of the smartest there is but he really was. He knew tons and tons of words and tricks. He could act out entire scenes. An example:
I would tell a little story about an army guy. Brutus would walk on his back legs, and I would go bang, bang with my finger pointing at him like a gun. He would drop to the ground and army crawl across the floor, until I pretend shot him again. Then he would roll over, and twitch back and forth for a few seconds then take a deep breath, close his eyes and freeze. It was hilarious, and we had to acted out perfectly.
I would tell a little story about an army guy. Brutus would walk on his back legs, and I would go bang, bang with my finger pointing at him like a gun. He would drop to the ground and army crawl across the floor, until I pretend shot him again. Then he would roll over, and twitch back and forth for a few seconds then take a deep breath, close his eyes and freeze. It was hilarious, and we had to acted out perfectly.
He knew how to give high fives, high tens (with both feet), shake, roll over, sit, walk on back feet, pull little wagons, dance, clean up his toys, open drawers, speak, we even did agility courses. He also knew all kinds of words. Cheese was his favorite treat. If I said that he would run to the fridge and wait patiently for me to get him out a piece. We shared a kraft single every day when I got home from school. He knew exactly when dad got off work, or I would get home on the bus. And when it was about 5 minutes till he would wait by the front door. If you said ‘catch a fly fly’ he would run around the house and track down every single fly and kill them.
Every year he would go trick or treating with me, and we would wear matching costumes. We have done:
A cowgirl and a cow, hippies, angels, little bo peep and sheep, one year I even dyed him blue and we both went as eeyore.
A few years ago; a couple days before my 15th birthday. We were in the process of moving from our neighborhood home to our current farm. We had been staying at our new house, and only came home twice a day to let Brutus out. We were busy, and I hadn’t given him much attention in a couple weeks. He was sad, and sulked around most of the time. But it was only going to be for a little while. We finally decided it was time to bring him to the new house with us. And I felt so bad that I hadn’t spent enough time with him. So I went to walmart and bought a whole bunch of toys and treats. I came home, grinning from ear to ear, and called and called for my little friend. But he was nowhere to be found. We searched, and I found him. Laying up on the side of the highway squashed.He must of snuck out the door when we were moving boxes or something. It was one of the worst moment of my life. The guilt I felt for ignoring him the last few years still troubles me. Every time I think of him, I remember seeing him there. I wish I hadn’t found him. I still miss him very much, every day. I cried for weeks and weeks. I was heartbroken.
After that I didn’t like dogs anymore. After about 6 months. We thought maybe if I had another dog I would love it, and it would fill the hole in my heart. But it wasn’t so. We got Bella. A great Pyrenees puppy. She was sweet and cute. But I didn’t like her. I compared her in every way to Brutus. I would be like ‘Brutus wouldn’t do that. Or Brutus is smarter than that’ My dad was the same way, and it was unfair to keep her when no one liked her. She really was a good dog. But we were scoured. We found her a loving home with some friends that had lots of children. She is very happy there.
I still to this day don’t love dogs like I did. I still miss my little buddy. But I think I am ready to open my heart to a new puppy. We have the perfect place for a dog, lots of room, and I do live on a farm. A dog would keep predators away. And I would love a new friend. I know I could never replace Brutus in my heart, but I may be able to make room for another special pet.
Last night I was looking on pet finder. I found what seems to be the perfect match.

She is a German Shepherd/Collie Mix. If I ever got another dog I wanted German Shepherd, and mom always wanted a Collie. Why not have both? She is cute, and young where we can train her from an early age not to chase our animals. German Shepherds are the next smartest dog behind poodles, and Collie are smart too. It's seems like a perfect fit.

Then there is Sunday. Her sister. She is so cute too! How could I ever pick? I could take both. But I don't have $500 to pay for the pair. And I don't know if I could honestly dedicate enough time for two puppies at once.
I talked to mom about it, and she is on board.
Today we will talk to dad about our little scheme. He loved Brutus as much as me, and he too feels resistance about dogs now. But maybe, just maybe, I might be able to sway him into a new puppy.... or two.
Oh and as a side note:
I have another job now. I was invited to be a dog trainer, and take care of the dogs at the local boarding facility. Thats kind of ironic. Seeing as how I don't even like dogs that much anymore.
Oh well. I'm going to give it a try, and see if I can warm up this cold heart again. Job starts on monday.
As another side note:
I may be quitting the pizza place and working at mcdonalds. There has been a lot of problems and stress, and I think it might just be better. We'll see. Got my application yesterday.
I can completely relate to that with the exception that I am a cat person. I was very quiet growning up as well I had friends but I preferred books and my animals over them so I can relate to that as well. My best friend was my cat. I got him when he was very small and had to be bottle fed we spent every minute together because it was summertime. I even had a little diaper bag for my dolls that I packed and brought him with me to my granparents farm when I went. I hated it when school started and I had to leave him he followed me to the bus stop and I had to take him home and make my mom promise to keep him on the porch till I left I wanted to cry I feared he thought I was leaving him forever. I had him and spoiled him til he was a few years old and one day I let him outside and couldnt find him before we left to go to my grandparents and when we got home that night I looked all over for him still not finding him I was crushed. The next day I was in the living room looked out the window and saw him slumping through the back yard I ran outside to him and he had been hit by a car his back was messed up and I have no idea how he was walking. I put him on a board and brought him to the house begging my parents to take him to the vet. They wouldnt of course. I cried all day and did my best to care for him. I came back into the room after eating supper to find him dead I screamed and cried for I dont know how long we buried him in the yard and I was heartbroken and depressed for a long time. I felt the same about cats as you do about dogs I did not get another cat until I was 18 or 19. I have a one year old daughter now so I dont think about getting another cat or any other animal for that matter right now she is all I can handle ha ha.
That's really sad. My family had a dog when I was really little. He was a border collie and his name was jake. I thought my dog Jake was the smartest dog because we would read books. He would sit down and we would open a book and set it infront of him and then he would put his head down and look like he was reading it. He also, sadly enough, had a feddish for chasing anything with tires. When my family went on vacation one year Jake went to stay with my grandma out in the country. My grandma was just pulling into her driveway when he jumped out the window and tried chasing the wheels on an semi truck. Apparently my dog wasn't as smart as we thought. It was really hard on my family especially my dad.
Oh my god that's so upsetting! I can imagine your pain at losing Brutus, but not in a way as horrific as that. That's such a horrible thing to have happen to your best friend, and then the guilt added to that is just adds salt to the wound. I'm so sorry that something like this has happened to you, it must've royally sucked. I've never had my dog die.. yet... I've had a scare, because when he sleeps now, he sleeps deeply, and I mean DEEPLY, to the point you could move him, and he won't stir. I tried waking him up one morning to let him out, and he wouldn't budge. So I tried touching him, and he bent awkwardly, so I thought he died, and I cried for about three hours because I thought he died in his sleep, and I wouldn't be able to see him anymore, then a couple hours later, he comes trotting out of my mom and dads room to go outside, and all I could do was blink stupidly at him, because I really thought he was dead. Those three hours were the worst three hours I've had in a long time, so I know your pain in a way, just not as severe. ):
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