Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing in a new year.

Well another year has past and the time just flies by. It's time to reflect on our blessings and look to what we want to accomplish in the new year. I have many things to be thankful for. My husband works so hard on everything at the farm. He is such a perfectionist! He grows a great garden and puts his heart into it. He has been busy this fall winterizing the goat shelters and rebuilding the well house.
My beautiful daughter Kelsee, is engaged and will be starting the next step in her life. We have been busy planning her wedding for next fall. She is busy with her full time job and going to school full time so she is always busy. She should be finished with her web design degree next fall and her graphic degree the following year. I don't look forward to her leaving home, as she has always been a blessing. She was home schooled and we have just had a great time with her and her friends being around. I do look forward to her pig leaving. She is annoying. I think pigs are supposed to be bacon and ham...just saying.
I am overrun with chicks and trying to keep the hatcher full. We are running out of room to put them! I am also making soap and deciding how to sell it. I have made many flavors and I find it quite enjoyable. Problem is that it has to cure for 6 weeks, so there is soap everywhere, but it sure smells good. I continue to work full time as a nurse while I go to school also. I am working on my master's degree in nurse management/administration. I love to produce as much of our own food as I can, so if my husband grows it, I preserve it! Tomatoes, jellies, green beans, potatoes, garlic, meats, whatever we can produce. He has a great sweet potato crops this fall. I can't wait until our fruit trees start producing, and I get to make apple sauce. It's already time to put in the garlic.
Anyway some of our greatest blessings are our friends who teach us many things. Especially how to be a better person. I love having friends who are so close that I can count on them when I need them. They make me a better person. I wish I had that gift. I am working on it, but I don't think it will ever come naturally. Thoughtfulness is just not my gift. Oh well, maybe a goal for this year, to be more thoughtful.
I hope you have a very healthy and productive New Year.
The LaRose's at Kinder Korner.

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