Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hi everyone.
It is with great sadness that I dismantled the Christmas tree and put the decorations away. I am taking a small break in between homework for my master's program. I set some more eggs in the hatcher yesterday after moving out the chick hatch. 15/20 isn't bad. The little ones grow so fast. They sure are hardy. I will soon have to decide where to go with the growing ones. Looking ahead to spring and kidding season. I have kids coming in 29 days..but who's counting. Lol. We still have to give their shots and trim them one more time before they become too fat. We could feel babies kicking today. I love the fact that kinders can have babies anytime of the year. Such a great quality in them. I will be acquiring a couple new does soon that are bred for June. Such exciting times and it gets me out of the winter blues. Can't wait for spring. Hope the weather holds for our kiddings, we have been lucky so far.

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